Here is a summary and key insights from the blog post:

title:: Deploying OpenMRS Electronic Health Record (EHR) system on AWS

publisher:: AWS

organization:: OpenMRS, AWS, Cerner, Epic, Philips, Dedalus, Wellforce

domain:: Healthcare, Electronic Health Records, Cloud Computing



This blog post provides a tutorial on how to deploy the open source OpenMRS Electronic Health Record (EHR) system on AWS. It covers setting up the necessary components on an EC2 instance, deploying OpenMRS Core, adding EHR modules, and basic navigation of the system. The post also includes a reference architecture for a more robust production deployment.

Data Points

  • OpenMRS is an open source EHR system used in about 6,520 healthcare facilities across 40 countries
  • The tutorial deploys OpenMRS on a single Amazon EC2 t2.medium Ubuntu instance
  • Components set up include Java/OpenJDK, Tomcat, and MySQL
  • Deploys OpenMRS Core 2.4.0 and Reference Application 2.11.0
  • Provides steps for configuring users and permissions
  • Reference architecture includes elements for scalability, resilience and security
  • OpenMRS includes a FHIR module for interoperability
  • Wellforce is cited as an example of migrating EHR systems to AWS
  • The post suggests exploring integration with IoMT devices and using Amazon HealthLake for data storage/querying